Daimer Partial Customer List
Daimer® Industries, Inc.® is the world's number one brand of commercial and industrial steam cleaners. Our own KleenJet® vapor steam cleaners, Super Max™ and Vapor-Flo® pressure washers, XTreme Power® carpet cleaners, and XTreme Power® hard surface cleaning machines are used by hundreds of thousands of homeowners, commercial, Fortune 500 companies, institutional, business, government, military, and industrial users around the world. Our equipment is even used within the White House.
One of the many factors that makes Daimer® unique is we offer 700+ models, the industry's largest line of powerful, high quality cleaning machines in all power configurations for worldwide use. Our company and products are recognized globally and purchased by many international governments, some of the largest organizations and institutions, and even by small businesses and individuals in practically every country.
Everyone at Daimer®, from ownership to management to employees, is 100% American, and we are proud to offer American produced products in our line. Americans and those outside the United States prefer to buy from American companies! We are committed to hiring 100% American employees.
Make sure to check online companies' websites to determine if they are located in the U.S.A. if you care about buying from an American company.

We are especially proud our cleaning equipment is used in over 240 countries around the globe. Foreign customers do not need agents in CANADA, MEXICO, over 240 countries. We will make sure the shipments are delivered right to your location after we clear the products through your countries' Customs!
► Click on the links to the left to view partial customers within other markets and industries.
"Our Customer List Speaks For Itself"
The Following Includes Some Of Daimer®'s
Large National & Multi-National Customers:
3M Corporation (NYSE: MMM) | Kaneka Corporation (TSE: 4188) |
Jani7-Eleven Convenience Stores | Kidde Fenwal (NYSE: UTX) |
JaniABN AMRO (NYSE: ABN) | Kimberly Clark (NYSE: KMB) |
JaniAce Hardware | King Plastics |
JaniAFC Enterprises, Inc. (NASDAQ: AFCE) | Kraft Foods, Inc. (NYSE: KFT) |
JaniAlcoa (NYSE: AA) | La Quinta Inns |
JaniAlliant Techsystems (NYSE: ATK) | LG Electronics (LSE: LGLD) |
JaniAmerican Airlines (NYSE: AMR) | Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT) |
JaniAramark | Lorillard Tobacco (NYSE: LO) |
JaniAramco Ashland, Inc (NYSE: ASH) | Malt O Meal |
JaniArby's (NYSE: WEN) | Marriott International, Inc. (NYSE: MAR) |
JaniArvinMeritor (NYSE: ARM) | Mazda (TSE: 7261.T) |
JaniAurora Health Care | McDonalds (NYSE: MCD) |
JaniAutoliv (NYSE: ALV) | MCI (NYSE: VZ) |
JaniAvis Budget Group (NASDAQ: CAR) | Messier-Bugatti |
JaniBasic Energy Services (NYSE: BAS) | Miliken |
JaniBaxter Healthcare (NYSE: BAX) | Mitsubishi (TSE: 7211) |
JaniBechtel Power Corporation | Mohegan Sun Casino |
JaniBest Western Hotels | Motel 6 |
JaniBMW (FBW: BMW) | Nathan's Famous (NASDAQ NATH) |
JaniBoeing (NYSE: BA) | National Oilwell Varco (NYSE: NOV) |
JaniBorg Warner (NYSE: BWA) | Nest Oil Group |
JaniBoston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) | Nestlé Purina |
JaniBradford Soap Works, Inc. | Nestles (SIX: NESTLE SA) |
JaniBurger King | New England Confectionery (NECCO) |
JaniBurger King (NYSE: BKW) | Nextel (NYSE: S) |
JaniCadbury | Nissan (NASDAQ: NSANY) |
JaniCanada Bread (TSE: CBY) | Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) |
JaniCargill, Incorporated | Novartis (NYSE: NVS) |
JaniCendant Corporation | Ocean Spray International, Inc. |
JaniCentury 21 | Olympia Sports |
JaniChem-Dry (NYSE: HD) | Orkin Pest Control (NYSE: ROL) |
JaniChurch & Dwight (NYSE: CHD) | Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) |
JaniCintas D.R. Horton (NASDAQ: CTAS) | Park Plaza (LON: PPH) |
JaniCitgo Oil | Pepsi Beverage Co. |
JaniClarion Hotels (NYSE: CHH) | PepsiCo Inc. (NYSE: PEP) |
JaniCoca-Cola (NYSE: KO) | Perrier |
JaniComfort Inns (NYSE: CHH) | Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) |
JaniConAgra Foods (NYSE: CAG) | Pinnacle Food Products |
JaniConstellation Energy (NYSE: CEG) | Pratt & Whitney (NYSE: UTX) |
JaniCostco Wholesale (NASDAQ: COST) | Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG) |
JaniCourtyard by Marriott (NYSE: MAR) | PSA Peugeot Citroln (NYSE Euronext: UG) |
JaniCulinary Institute of America | Radisson Hotels |
JaniCVS (NYSE: CVS) | Ramada Worldwide (NYSE: WYN) |
JaniDaimler AG (NYSE: DAI) | Raytheon (NYSE: RTN) |
JaniDairy Queen | Red Roof Inn |
JaniDaltile (NYSE: MHK) | ReMax |
JaniDavita, Inc. (NYSE: DVA) | Renaissance Hotels & Resorts (NYSE: MAR) |
JaniDays Inn (NYSE: WYN) | Renault-Dacia-Samsung (NYSE Euronext: RNO) |
JaniDecoma International (NASDAQ: DECA) | Rentokil |
JaniDegussa | Residence Inn by Marriott (NYSE: MAR) |
JaniDetroit Tigers | Rexnord Industries |
JaniDillards Department Stores (NYSE: DDS) | Ritz Carlton |
JaniDisney Cruise Lines (NYSE: DIS) | Rodeway Inns (NYSE: CHH) |
JaniDisneyworld (NYSE: DIS) | Royal Sonesta (NASDAQ: SNSTA) |
JaniDole (NYSE: DOLE) | Sanden International |
JaniDollar General (NYSE: DG) | Sara Lee Corporation (NYSE: SLE) |
JaniDomino's Pizza (NYSE: DPZ) | SC Johnson & Son, Inc. |
JaniDouble Tree | Seneca Foods (NYSE: SENEA) |
JaniDuke Energy (NYSE: DUK) | Service Master |
JaniEastman Kodak Company (NYSE: EK) | ServPro |
JaniEcono Lodge (NYSE: CHH) | Shasta Beverage (NASDAQ FIZ) |
JaniEdison (NYSE: EIX) | Sheraton (NYSE: HOT) |
JaniEhrlich Pest Control | Siemens (NYSE: SI) |
JaniElectronic Data Systems Corp | SImplexGrinnel (NYSE: TYC) |
JaniEli Lilly (NYSE: LLY) | Smithsonian Institute Amgen, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMGN) |
JaniEmbassy Suites | Smurfit-Stone (OTC:SSCCQ) |
JaniEnterprise Rent A Car | Snapple (NYSE: DPS) |
JaniEthan Allen (NYSE: ETH) | Sodexo Group (NYSE: SDXAY) |
JaniExpressJet Airlines (NYSE: XJT) | Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) |
JaniExxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE: XOM) | Starwood Hotels (NYSE: HOT) |
JaniFairfield Inn by Marriott (NYSE: MAR) | Station Casinos |
JaniFarley's Sathers Candy Company | Stuart Dean |
JaniFedex (NYSE: FDX) | Sun-Maid |
JaniFiat (BIT: F) | Super 8 Motels (NYSE: WYN |
JaniFord Motor Company (NYSE: F) | Susse Chalet |
JaniFrito-Lay (Pepsi) | Suzuki-Maruti (BOM: 53250) |
JaniFull Fill Industries | Sylvania (SYD: SLV) |
JaniGap, Inc. (NYSE: GPS) | TapcoEnrpo International |
JaniGCA Services Group | Taylor Rental |
JaniGeneral Dynamics Corporation (NYSE: GD) | Terminex International |
JaniGeneral Electronic Company (NYSE: GE) | Textron (NYSE: TXT) |
JaniGeneral Mills Bakery | Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (NYSE: TMO) |
JaniGeneral Mills, Inc. (NYSE: GIS) | Thermo King (NYSE: IR) |
JaniGeneral Motors Corporation (NYSE: GRM) | Timex Toys R Us, Inc. (NASDAQ: TOYS) |
JaniGeorgia Pacific | Titan International (NYSE: TWI) |
JaniGoodrich Corporation | Toyota (NYSE: TM) |
JaniGoya Foods | Travelodge (NYSE: WYN) |
JaniGSF | Trinity Broadcasting Company |
JaniHagemeyer | Turner Construction |
JaniHampton Inns & Suites | Tyco International Ltd. (NYSE: TYC) |
JaniHershey's Confectionery (NYSE: HSY) | UDR, Inc. (NYSE: UDR) |
JaniHertz Rent-a-Car (NYSE: HTZ) | Unicco UGL Services (ASE: UGL) |
JaniHESS Corporation (NYSE: HES) | United Airlines (NYSE: UAL) |
JaniHilton Worldwide, Inc. | United Parcel Services - UPS (NYSE: UPS) |
JaniHoliday Inns & Suites (NYSE: IHG) | United States Postal Service |
JaniHonda (NYSE: HMC) | United Technologies Corporation (NYSE: UTX) |
JaniHoneywell International Inc. (NYSE: HON) | US Airways (NYSE: LCC) |
JaniHostess Brands | Visteon (NYSE: VSTN) |
JaniHoveround | Volkswagen Group (FWB: VOW) |
JaniHoward Johnson (NYSE: WYN) | W.W. Grainger (NYSE: GWW) |
JaniHyundai-Kia (LSE: HYUD) | Walgreens (NYSE: WAG) |
JaniIngersoll Rand (NYSE: IR) | Walt Disney (NYSE: DIS) |
JaniInternational Paper (NYSE: IP) | Westin (NYSE: HOT) |
JaniIntier Automotive | Westinghouse (NASDAQ: WEST) |
JaniJ.M. Smucker Company (NYSE: SJM) | Weyerhaeuser (NYSE: WY) |
JaniJ.W.Marriott Corporation (NYSE: MAR) | Whole Foods (NASDAQ: WFMI) |
JaniJamaica Energy | Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company (NYSE: WY) |
JaniJani-King | Wyndham Hotel Group (NYSE: WYN) |
JaniJohns Hopkins University | Xerox (NYSE: XRX) |
JaniJohnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) | Xurich Financial Services (SIX: DURN) |
JaniJohnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) | And Many More... |
Selected Customer Highlights:
ABN AMRO - Founded in 1824 and one of the world's largest international banks, ABN AMRO ranks 11th in Europe and 20th in the world based on tier 1 capital, with more than 3,700 branches in 52 countries, a staff of over 105,000 full-time equivalents and total assets of of $986 billion (as of June 30, 2006).
Aramark - A $12 billion global leader serving millions of people in professional services, providing award-winning food, hospitality, facility management services and high-quality uniform and work apparel.
ArvinMeritor - One of the world's largest automotive parts manufacturers making Gabriel shock absorbers, etc. - $8 billion dollar company
ATK - A leading provider of advanced weapon and space systems with $3.5 billion in annual sales, approximately 15,000 employees, and operations in 21 states with over 50 facilities. The company is the worlds leading supplier of solid rocket motors and the nations largest manufacturer of ammunition.
Aurora Health Care - A large health services provider with over 27,000 locations and 300 offices
Autoliv - (The inventors of the side-impact airbag for chest protection) is a worldwide leader in automotive safety with over 50,000 employees globally and 80 subsidiaries as well as joint ventures in 30 countries. Customers include all the leading automobile manufacturers in the world. They are also the pioneer in seat belts, the Inflatable Curtain (IC) for head protection in side impacts and the Anti-Whiplash Seat (AWS), etc.
Canada Bread - A leading Canadian manufacturer and marketer of flour-based products. Canada Brand's main brand names include Dempster's®, Olafson's, POM®, Ben's®, and Olivieri®, encompassing different kinds of fresh bread, rolls, bagels, specialty pastas, and more.
Chem-Dry - The world's leader for carpet and upholstery cleaning services, cleaning an estimated one billion square feet of carpet each year!
Church & Dwight - The makers of Arm and Hammer Baking Soda products
Cintas - One of the largest companies in the U.S. that designs, manufactures and implements corporate identity uniform programs, and provides entrance mats, restroom supplies, promotional products, first aid and safety products, fire protection services and document management services for approximately 700,000 businesses. The company operates 350 facilities in the U.S. and Canada, including 14 manufacturing plants and seven distribution centers that employ more than 32,000 people.
Constellation Energy - A pioneer in the energy industry, Constellation Energy boasts the generation capacity of 12,000 megawatts and employs nearly 10,000 employees. Constellation Energy serves more than 30,000 customers across the United States with electricity and natural gas.
D.R. Horton - The largest home builder in the United States
Decoma International - A wholly-owned operating division of MAGNA INTERNATIONAL INC. and is a full service supplier of exterior vehicle appearance systems for the world's automotive industry. Decoma designs, engineers and manufactures automotive exterior components and systems which include fascias (bumpers), front and rear end modules, liftgates and running boards, plastic body panels, exterior trim components, sealing and greenhouse systems and lighting components for cars and light trucks (including sport utility vehicles and mini-vans). Decoma has approximately 16,000 employees in 54 manufacturing, engineering and product development facilities in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Germany, Belgium, England, Japan, France, Poland, Austria and the Czech Republic.
Degussa - A multinational corporation generating sales revenue of 11.8 billion - the company produces specialty chemicals and has established a worldwide presence with approximately 45.000 employees in more than 300 locations around the world.
Grainger Industrial Supply - A multinational Fortune 500 industrial supply distributor offering over 800,000 products, employing over 17,000 people, and generating over $6 billion in revenue from over 1.8 million customers within North America and China
Hagemeyer - One of the world's largest value added business-to-business distribution services groups focusing on the markets for electrical materials, safety and other MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operations products.
Hoveround - One of the largest makers of powered wheelchairs
Ingersoll Rand - Employs about 40,000 employees throughout the world, and operates approximately 80 manufacturing facilities - the company is one of the world's leading providers of industrial and commercial technologies, such as Bobcat equipment; Club Car golf cars; Hussmann stationary refrigeration equipment; Ingersoll Rand industrial and construction equipment; Schlage locks and Thermo King transport temperature-control equipment.
Intier Automotive Interiors - A wholly-owned operating group of MAGNA INTERNATIONAL and is the industry leader in the development and manufacture of complete vehicle interior systems, seating systems and components for the global automotive industry.
Jamaica Energy - A large independent power producer, responsible for producing 20% of Jamaica's power grid in Old Harbour Bay.
Kaneka Corporation - Osaka, Japan, the worlds largest manufacturer of CoQ10, has been commercially producing the highest quality CoQ10 since 1977.
LG Electronics - Founded in 1958, LG Electronics is a global leader in the manufacture of a wide variety of electronics products and devices. The company employs over 80,000 employees across in excess of 114 subsidiaries.
Lorillard Tobacco - Founded in 1960 and based out of Greensboro, North Carolina, Lorillard is the country's third largest tobacco company. The company produces such famous cigarette brands as Newport, Kent, True and others.
Malt O Meal - The 5th largest cereal manufacturer in the United States, Malt O Meal makes private label hot and cold cereals for Kroger, Wegmans, Safeway, Harris Teeter, Shop n Save, and Walmart. Their cereals are found in more than 70% of United States' grocery stores.
Messier-Bugatti - A world leader of aeronautical braking and carbon brakes used in more than 2,800 commercial aircraft across the world, including 250 airline companies and 20 air forces.
Milliken - A company with more than 2,000 patents and the developer of the largest textile research center in the world, Milliken employs over 11,000 associates located at more than 60 facilities worldwide that develop more than 19,000 different textile and chemical products.
Northrop Grumman - The second largest defense contractor in the world
Novartis - One of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies
Pinnacle Food Products - Pinnacle Foods produces a number of leading consumer brands including Duncan Hines baking mixes, Vlasic pickles, Hungry Man and Swanson frozen dinners, Log Cabin and Mrs. Buttersworth's syrups, Armour canned meat, Lender's bagels, Aunt Jemima breakfast foods, Celeste pizza and Van de Kampís and Mrs. Paulís seafood. The Company employs more than 3,000 individuals, owns seven manufacturing facilities in the United States, and generates approximately $2.1 billion in annual gross sales.
Ralcorp Holdings (Ralston/Purina) - With almost $2 billion in sales revenue, Ralcorp is the leading manufacturer of Store Brand cereals with more than 35 national brands, including Oatmeal, Farina, Grit, Shredded What, Corn Puffs, Raisin Brand, and many others. The company's product line also includes: crackers and cookies, snack nuts, chocolate candy, salad dressings, mayonnaise, peanut butter, jams and jellies, syrups, and various sauces. Ralcorp holds a 21.5 percent interest in Vail Resorts, Inc. (NYSE:MTN), the premier mountain resort operator in North America.
Rentokil - Founded in 1927, Rentokil is the global leader in commercial pest control. They have offices in 46 countries and U.S. operations include Rentokil, Ehrlich, Watch All and Presto-X.
Rexnord Industries - An over 100 year old company with approximately 5,900 employees located at more than 35 manufacturing facilities worldwide - the premier manufacturer and supplier of Power Transmission Components, Drives, and Conveying Equipment for process industries globally
Sanden International - The world's largest independent supplier of automotive air conditioning compressors
SC Johnson & Son, Inc. - One of the world's largest producers of floor care products with 12,000 employees in over 70 countries
Seneca Foods - A global leader in agricultural business. With such industry recognizable brands as Libby's, Aunt Nellie's, Read, Stockley's, Festal, and Senaca Snacks, the company operates over 20 facilities throughout the United States.
SimplexGrinnel - A unit of Tyco Fire and Security, SimplexGrinnel is the largest designer, service organization, and provider of fire detection and alarms, fire sprinklers and extinguishers, fire suppression, integrated security, healthcare communications, time clocks, sound, and intercom products. The company employs 10,000 technicians, installers and other professionals.
Station Casinos - The leading provider of gaming and entertainment in Las Vegas, Nevada -
The company, which has a stock market cap. of about $5 billion, owns and operates Red Rock Casino Resort and Spa, Palace Station Hotel & Casino, Boulder Station Hotel & Casino, Santa Fe Station Hotel & Casino, Wildfire Casino and Wild Wild West Gambling Hall & Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, Texas Station Gambling Hall & Hotel and Fiesta Rancho Casino Hotel in North Las Vegas, Nevada, and Sunset Station Hotel & Casino, Fiesta Henderson Casino Hotel, Magic Star Casino and Gold Rush Casino in Henderson, Nevada. Station also owns a 50% interest in Green Valley Ranch Station Casino, Barley's Casino & Brewing Company and The Greens in Henderson, Nevada and a 6.7% interest in the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition, Station manages Thunder Valley Casino near Sacramento, California on behalf of the United Auburn Indian Community.
Smurfit-Stone - The worldís largest manufacturer and supplier of corrugated containers
TapcoEnpro International - The industry's most sophisticated and successful supplier of engineered solutions. TapcoEnpro supplies custom-designed valves and components for use in industrial process applications like Steel manufacture & Iron Ore Reduction, Power Generation, and more.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) - The world leader within pharmaceutical and biotech industries
Thermo Fisher Scientific, with annual revenues of $10 billion, has a customer base of over 350,000 and 30,000 employees and serves hospitals, universities, research institutions, clinical diagnostic labs, governmental agencies, and other markets. The company offers two brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific. Thermo Scientific provides a complete range of high-end analytical instruments, laboratory equipment, software, services, and more while Fisher Scientific offers a complete portfolio of laboratory equipment, chemicals, supplies and services used in health care, scientific research, safety and education.
Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - The Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), which is carried on over 275 U.S. television stations, is the largest Christian television network in the United States. In addition, TBN is America's ninth largest over-the-air broadcaster serving an average of five million viewer households per week in prime time. TBN is also carried on thousands of other cable television and satellite systems around the world in 75 countries and translated in eleven languages.
Turner Construction Co. - One of the largest construction companies in the U.S.
UDR, Inc. - The 4th largest apartment Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) in the U.S. with approximately 70,000 apartments in their portfolio. The company's market cap. is about $8.1 billion.
Visteon - With approximately 45,000 employees, over 170 locations in 26 countries, and sales revenue exceeding $11 billion is one of the largest worldwide producers of automotive and vehicle systems with many products including: Climate, Electronics, Lighting, Interiors, Powertrain Controls, Engine Induction, Aftermarket, Chassis, and Powertrain systems.
Weyerhaeuser - An international forest products company ranked in the Fortune 200 since 1956, Weyerhaeuser annual sales are currently $22.6 billion. They were founded in 1900 and currently employ approximately 54,000 people in 18 countries.
Whole Foods - Whole Foods Market is the world's largest retailer of natural and organic foods, with over 155 stores throughout North America and the United Kingdom.
Zurich Financial Services - One of the world's largest insurance-based financial service providers