Crucial Steam Cleaner Warranties
Simply put, Daimer extends to every customer a one-year warranty for parts and labor, three years parts, and a lifetime boiler warranty on every single of our 80 steam cleaners. Aside from our impeccable reputation for high-quality machines, wonderful reliability, exceptional features and prices, our customers buy from us because of our outstanding warranties.
We urge you to examine other brands' steam cleaner warranties and consider if it is worth taking risks.
Do they offer only a 90-day warranty?
What about a short one-year warranty?
What about other inferior warranties?
Daimer Takes Care of You!
Firstly, examining Daimer's partial customer list and partial testimonials list is important for you to consider in the context of the information to follow! No other steam cleaner vendor but Daimer sells more models and machines to more customers worldwide large and small.
Daimer offers the value combined with the dependability that is so important when comparing steam cleaners! Importantly, we are highly confident in our steam cleaners' reliability, but we have concluded other vendors are not as confident or they would offer warranties competitive to Daimer. Unfortunately for them, competitive vendors often sacrifice product quality and reliability so they can offer lower pricing on their products.
Smart buyers know pricing is not the most important factor when considering steam cleaners, and certainly, you do not want to deal with frustrating consequences resulting from a boiler failure, for instance just after the main warranty expires. The nightmare associated with buying with mainly low pricing in mind suddenly emerges, and it is not the most pleasing experience. Buying from Daimer takes away any negative surprises or the high expenses associated with other brands!
The Negative Consequences of Heating Element & Boiler Failures
Question: Did you know one of the most most common complaints we hear from those who have purchased steam cleaners from other vendors before turning to Daimer in frustration?
Answer: Defective heating elements and boiler failures
The basic problem with non-Daimer steam cleaners is the heating elements are welded inside welded boilers. So, if their heating element fails, then the entire boiler must be replaced at costs up to and over $1000.00. Imagine, for instance, paying $600.00 for another vendor's steam cleaner that will cost $500.00 to replace the boiler, all because of a failed heating element?
We can't imagine it and see no reason you need to spend one minute even considering it. The brilliant aspect of our steam cleaners is the patented heating elements are completely replaceable, and cost approximately only $50.00 in the very unlikely event you need one. In fact, replacing a Daimer heating element or a boiler for that matter is a rarity!
Post-Sales Service Realities
Daimer is proud to include our own service and support staff that is the most experienced and educated in the industry. We can turn around a machine in as a little as a day In the rare event your machine requires repair.
Question: Would you believe 99% of the steam cleaner resellers on the internet work from their homes, work by themselves as an reselling broker for others, and have no direct service mechanisms at all?
Answer: This is absolutely true!
While Daimer is a real company with real corporate offices in real commercial facilities with real inventory and real service and support services, others without the ability to afford resources requiring much money had established a relationship with a steam cleaner reseller, etc. Some of these marketers are up to three or four times removed from the factory, but they all typically have a couple of important things in common:
* They lack their own inventory
* They lack any of their own service technicians
The bottom line is these competitors have no control whatsoever in product turnaround in the event their steam cleaners fail. Typically, their machines are shipped to their supplier or their supplier's supplier for repair and the reseller is basically stuck! We have been told of absolutely outrageous product turnaround times for product repairs of up to 5 months!
Even those companies offering steam cleaners from a variety of manufacturers are in the same problematic position. They do not service the products they sell, and you can be left "in the cold" for who knows how long?!
Why take chances when you absolutely do not have to? Daimer offers the quality and service you expect for your purchasing dollars! Daimer consider all of our customers from residential to industrial like family and we work to take care of them in the best and most expeditious way possible.